Abstract Submissions
Please navigate our submenu for guidelines and rubrics related to abstracts, posters/talks.
Please submit your abstracts until July 19th, 2024!
Make sure to head to our Registration Page to register for the symposium before submitting an abstract!
Abstract Submission Link
Please submit your abstract by filling out this Google Form: https://forms.gle/cDdNR58Aee43jo449
Guidelines on how to submit an abstract can be found on our Abstract Guidelines Page.
Guidelines on how to prepare your presentation can be found on our Poster/Talk Guidelines Page.
Who will be presenting?
Our symposium welcomes submissions from recent college-graduates who are currently conducting research at Yale. Individuals holding a bachelor’s or master’s degree within the past 5 years and have not started graduate/other doctoral/medical school by the symposium date are urged to submit their abstracts for consideration. We also welcome individuals of non-traditional college age who are intending to apply to graduate or professional school. We welcome presentations reflecting research conducted at Yale, from fields in STEM and the Humanities