Onboarding Items
We understand that transitioning to a nice place and job can be stressful. To help you get situated as a Postgraduate Associate/Fellow (or Research Assistant) at Yale University, here are some useful links and resources for:
- Making New Haven your new home
- Adjusting into the Postgrad position
- Getting equipped to receive notifications on YPGA activities
STEP 1: Review this starter kit
2) Attend the Yale Postgrad Orientation (optional, but highly encouraged)
Next Orientation Date: TBD - sometime in July (keep a look out!)
Check out these slides from our January 2024 Orientation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1joWWHseHt6rX2uuhhr1_JNrkZ6WhsyuR/view?u…
The slides contain very useful information about your postgrad position, including onboarding tasks, benefits, compensations, and many more!
STEP 1.5 (for international students)
1) Go to the office of international students and scholars
2) International postgrad trainees must check in with oiss as soon as they arrive!
Check out their webpage on taxes and the international tax office
STEP 2: Connect with us!
1) Get involved to plug into your upcoming postgrad events and resources
2) Enter direct modes of communication
While the YPGA will notify you of our activities, we have some additional lines of communications that will allow you to have direct contact with other postgraduates and give you the inside scoop on other unofficial events (i.e. housing, yard sales, beach days, paid research study opportunities, general reminders, Q&A, and more!)
Join our WhatsApp group
Join our YPGA group on Yale Connect - This is where you’ll register for events!
Pro tip: Download YaleUConnect on your mobile device!
STEP 3: Save your contacts
OFFICE FOR POSTDOCTORAL AFFAIRS (OPA) - The OPA manages the affairs of all postgrad trainee
STEP 4: Subscribe to newsletters you’re interested in
Sign up to receive enewsletters produced by Yale departments with information on campus news and events, including plays, concerts, art exhibits, and athletic competitions, as well as local New Haven happenings.
*IMPORTANT: As a postgrad, you should be automatically enrolled in our Postgrad email listserv. Please check the ‘Other’ folder in your email inbox if you don’t seem to be receiving emails from a sender named Postgrads.
STEP 5: Explore Yale!
At Yale, you will be nested amongst various departments that produce world class, cutting edge education and research. Check out the following based on your interests:
- Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
- School of Architecture
- School of Art
- Divinity School
- David Geffen School of Drama
- School of Engineering & Applied Science
- School of the Environment
- Jackson School of Global Affairs
- Law School
- School of Management
- School of Medicine
- School of Music
- School of Nursing
- School of Public Health