What is YPGA?

The Yale Postgraduate Association (YPGA) is an organization dedicated to enhancing the experience of postgraduate employees across Yale University. We strive to provide opportunities that promote the professional and personal development of postgraduates and facilitate connections between postgraduates across many disciplines. We organize a suite of career-oriented and professional development events, as well as social networking events, volunteer opportunities, and an annual symposium. 

To ensure the long-term success of our organization, we function under the following code of conduct and bylaws

Why join the YPGA Executive Board?

Leadership is a vital management skill that you’ll carry into your future. Every individual has the potential to direct and empower a community towards achieving their success and/or in playing a pivotal role in bringing clarity to a forming path professionally and personally. Nonetheless, it is a continuous muscle to train, and the novelty of a new experience can feel like a dive into the unknown.


As a committee member, your volunteering efforts will advance your current skillset and position you in a supportive school of collaboration. If this appeals to you, we encourage you to browse through the committees’ pages to learn about the roles, responsibilities, and where/who to inquire for more information and next steps. 


With open arms, we welcome you, and thank all incoming and current chairs of the YPGA for your time and dedication!

We are composed of seven subcommittees, led by 2 YPGA Presidents:

  1. Advocacy, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

  2. Professional Development

  3. Programming

  4. Public Relations

  5. Symposium

  6. Community Service 

  7. Finance 

Each subcommittee welcomes interested postgraduates to help support their respective initiatives. To contact a subcommittee chair, click on the links above. 

YPGA organization structure: